Leaders in vitamin C

Leaders in Vitamin C

Hailed as an anti-ageing superstar and a core part of the Medik8 regime, vitamin C is a must-have in any morning skincare routine.

There are many different forms of vitamin C. However, they all work toward the same end goal – luminous, youthful and protected skin. Vitamin C works with your skin cells to stimulate collagen production while also helping to block the enzyme that causes pigmentation. Considered one of the best antioxidants in skincare, vitamin C is able to fight off free radicals which can cause premature ageing. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules with an unpaired electron. Deprived of an electron, they attempt to complete their pair by stealing an electron from other molecules.

antioxidant and free radicals

Our body has a natural defence system of antioxidants, which give the free radicals a spare electron to stop them doing damage to our skin cells. When there are more free radicals than antioxidants the skin becomes overwhelmed in a process called oxidative stress where it cannot protect itself fully from free radical damage. The radicals can attack collagen molecules, cellular DNA and cell membranes to weaken them. This impairs cellular regeneration leading to sagging and wrinkled skin.

Vitamin C provides the body’s natural antioxidant system with a boost to help it fight off free radicals; shielding the skin from their damaging effects. Antioxidants are exceptionally important in our morning routine to provide all-day protection from the environment, so incorporate vitamin C or Firewall®.

While vitamin C is exceptional at targeting signs of ageing, there is one small challenge. Pure vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) is ridiculously unstable in water-based formulations. In water, vitamin C is oxidised and causes a cascade of reactions in which it loses its power and can even become a pro-oxidant - meaning it can form free radicals itself. When vitamin C becomes unstable it can often turn products yellow, which is a sure sign you should stop using the product. This leaves many customers frustrated and unhappy. But not at Medik8. We don’t believe you have to compromise - the perfect vitamin C serum is stable, feels amazing on the skin and provides exceptional skin protection against antioxidants. We have formulated with 3 different forms of vitamin C so you don’t have to settle.

L-Ascorbic Acid

This is the vitamin C for purists looking for results. We have gone to exceptional measures to make sure our Pure C15™, containing 15% ascorbic acid, is highly stable before opening, and lasts for at least 8 weeks once opened. Delivered in two separate bottles, you get 2 x 8 weeks supply of vitamin C - making it great value for money.

We have optimised our formula’s pH to make sure the ascorbic acid has the most effect, but with minimised irritation. We produce the formula in a chamber saturated with nitrogen, rather than air, to stop ascorbic acid from coming into contact with oxygen and becoming unstable. Ascorbic acid is combined with vitamin E and glutathione, two other antioxidants naturally found in the body.

This antioxidant complex mimics the skin’s natural defensive system and forms a rechargeable antioxidant network. The antioxidants work synergistically to boost their overall antioxidant power, while regenerating each other for long-lasting potency. This means that the vitamin C is uninterrupted to stimulate collagen production and to help inhibit the formation of hyperpigmentation, for brighter, younger-looking skin.

Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate

An oil-soluble derivative of vitamin C, tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate has a long name and a long shelf life. Super stable and ideal for penetrating deep within the skin’s lipid barrier, this derivative provides an easy entry-point to the vitamin C range, with very little irritation. Included in our C-Tetra® range along with beneficial emollient oils; tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate is perfect for targeting lines and wrinkles while leaving skin nourished and cared for.

Ethylated L-Ascorbic Acid

Last but not least, introducing our most powerful form of vitamin C in Super C30™. The molecule is based on ascorbic acid but has a carbon chain attached to the most reactive part of the molecule, which stops it from being oxidised. This means ethylated ascorbic acid retains all of the efficacy of pure vitamin C without any of the stability issues. Expect a slight tingle when you apply this due to its potency, which will subside within a few minutes. We only ever use chirally correct vitamin C in all our products to ensure it reaches its full potential on the skin.

Need help finding the right vitamin C for you?
Here’s our handy guide: